Parenthetically, your articles on the Montesorri school in Ithaca showed what happens when virtue signalling is deemed more important than mental health of students

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Not a single MSM journalist asked for evidence. Three years of stenography.

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100-percent groupthink in the aptly-named "pack journalism" pack.

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Remember when Dr Collins said on CNN that parents and kids should mask at home and the anchor made a shocked face but didn’t actually ask any follow up questions? Media failure.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

Sure wish Berkeley, CA would get the memo! I’m standing in line at the original Peets coffee at walnut and vine. It’s over half masked today. And I count 2 repurposed doorag handkerchiefs and a homemade mask among the crowd. The question I have is, did any of these studies test doorags, particularly in the geriatric hippy population as we have here?

Also, this morning while driving kids to school I saw a woman in what I thought was a Gucci branded t-shirt. Unfortunately, upon closer examination “Fauci” had replaced “Gucci” in the logo.

Hey, I mean, it’s not like this is the home of one of the great universities in the world or anything. Give these morons a break they lack the intellectual curiosity to take in and react to new information.

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Medical schools in Japan are still masking. Leave shortly for my first day on campus for my med students in three years. Was told specifically to wear a mask. I won’t

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“Either Walensky was flat out lying, or she is wildly ignorant of the evidence from Europe and even in the US that found no clear benefit—both the former and the latter disqualify her to run the CDC.”

I could not agree more, and yet in seems as if gov’t agencies are run by people that either lie or are grossly ignorant. Excellent article, David.

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We need smarter people in Congress so she gets better follow up questions. No disagreement on masking you say? Then why didn’t Europe mask anyone under 5? None of the questioners know anything.

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I think Fauci is just trying to follow public opinion. When people believed masking worked, he was on their side. Now that it’s politically unpopular to be in favour of masks, he is willing to concede facts that people knew in March 2020.

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The goal of all brains is to produce more brains like their brains. That's Structural Memetics in a nutshell. So institutional, passive brains inherently/emergently want to create more brains that work like their brains. That means getting them (and crippling them) young --denying their ability to foster independent relationships. Which means you gotta mask up.

The scary thing is when you have an institution like the CDC that has obvious pathological brains running it. They, too, want to create more pathological brains. So they will support policies that do this. Our federal agencies are nowhere dedicated to increasing personal agency, or empathy. So why would they do differently?

I think it might be good to review Simon Baron-Cohen's work on Empathy 0 (good, but less systemic than mine) to understand how individuals brains are molded into relationally disruptive pathologies. That's what's going on.

And, of course, I always post this piece. https://empathy.guru/2021/07/19/the-structural-memetics-of-masks/

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We have to do "SOMETHING" to show we care. No, no you do not. Not at the expense of children. There is no way on God's green Earth had I had littles at the time they would wear masks. I can't decide if I more pissed at our pubic health agencies or parents. How could you do this to your kids? HOW!?!?!?!?

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“medical and public health ethics traditionally dictate that an intervention must show a clear benefit for it to be approved, let alone imposed on people,” Period. End of discussion.

For a (purportedly) rigorous, scientific analysis of the data, there was instead a whole lot that looked like superstition and wishful thinking. Masks replaced crosses to ward-off evil. And safety above ALL else replaced rational thought.

David, you may not want the public health agencies consigned to the trash heap, but I do. They’ve unmistakably shown themselves to be completely captured bloated bureaucracies with a tenuous (at best) grasp of what science is actually for.

For example, the newly appointed health Commisioner of NYC begrudgingly conceded to lifting the mask mandate in schools in March of 2022, but kept it in place for toddlers two-years-old and under! A perfect example of the hubris you mention in the piece--cruelty couched as protection.

I’m not really seeing how they can ever be trusted again.

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TY for this good commentary.

FYI, over a year ago I (a scientist) published a Report that examined the results from over a hundred studies about the effectiveness and/or safety of wearing masks for COVID. The results were overwhelming. See it here <https://c19science.info/COVID-19_Masks.pdf>.

For a LOT more see my website "C19Science.info".

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Masking by students in schools is virtue signalling plain and simple.

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