Thank you so much for the latest Twitter Files.

Here is a view from the censored side: As a practicing physician of 16 years, I have been treating COVID patients for three years, including through last week, and none of my COVID patients have been hospitalized. I wrote the most thoroughly researched book, The Defeat Of COVID, on the biochemical mechanisms of action of the early COVID treatments (Vit D, zinc, IVM, HCQ), and gave comprehensive warning before anyone of the hazards of the COVID vaccines, here: https://www.primarydoctor.org/covidvaccine. Those warnings have all been proven correct over the last two years.

At the same time as the latter article (2 days before, when I announced/tweeted its nearing completion) Twitter "permanently suspended" me. Now the American Freedom Law Center is suing the Biden Administration and Twitter on my behalf for 1st Amendment violations, as well as for health hazards to the public from this censorship.

I remain suspended from Twitter, prevented from discussing publicly sensible ways to defeat COVID and other respiratory viruses.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

From your paper on how to protect yourself. you suggest to use informed consent laws.

Informed consent was removed from law after the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The courts agreed.

Kehler v. Hood


The official statement from the NIH: Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID‐19 vaccines. Generally says they don't want to scare anyone of the problems they knew about.


I remain suspend from twitter as well which I was banned twice for citing Jean-Claude Perez and Luc Montagnier paper published in July 2020. They sequenced isolate="Wuhan-Hu-1" which was used to make the injections. This is the paper I believe Jikky used to start the lab mice twitter group.

Plasmodium Yoelii (malaria) and Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) (HIV) and SARS(RaTG13) found here:


My final ban for giving my opinion on the massive malpractice taking place on how many will likely die in 10 years. based off of this report by Perez and Montagnier paper which shows they should be fighting a parasite fragment and HIV which is my unprofessional opinion.

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Just a quick comment on your piece for Bari Weiss and her common sense substack, and thank you for being a reasonable voice - it certainly helps bridge the situation, however your graphs for unvaccinated and vaccinated don't explain that the cdc counts all people as unvaccinated until after 2 weeks after their second vaccination. A lot of the side effects are seen 2-5 days after first or second jab. Meaning they are recorded as unvaccinated. This is very misleading and is the reason why most journalists are using data from the countries who deferentiate 1st jab 2nd jab ect.

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Thank you for the #TwitterFiles. It made me aware of your work. I look forward to reading more. The best for 2023....

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Happy to subscribe. It's so refreshing seeing actual journalism happening.

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Love your work on Twitter Tranche 10. Look forward to seeing it unrolled here.

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Great work on your BW article. I gotta say, her long winded editorial apologia is cringy to the max. Your work stands on its own. I’m embarrassed for her!

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